
I'm a luxury family photographer serving families who desire a stress-free & joyful photoshoot by providing an experience that allows my clients to enjoy each special season & receive jaw-dropping, joy-filled photos they'll pass down for generations to come.

Hello, friend! I'm Caitlin.

welcome to my journal!

The Caitlin & Luke Blog has been retired for now! Feel free to browse the blog's archives to view lovely weddings, sweet families, and personal posts dating all the way back to 2011. Xoxo! 

Baby B is On The Way: We’re Pregnant!!!


Filed Under

September 30, 2020

Baby B is due April 2021!!! 💗💙 We could not be more thankful!!! After waiting and praying for far longer than we ever expected, we weren’t sure that this day would ever come. Even if it hadn’t, God STILL would have been good. But somehow, He saw fit to bless us with this gift! We’re still in complete shock and are SO overwhelmed with gratitude. Thank you Jesus!!!

While we’re incredibly excited for all that’s to come, our hearts can’t help but break for SO many people we love who desperately desire a family. We have a list of names we pray over regularly, and if you’re still waiting, the #1 thing I want you to know is how crazy much God loves you and that He is with you, even when it doesn’t feel like it. He sees every tear, every doctor’s appointment, every test, every procedure, every ache in your heart. You are not alone 💕

We know how it feels to hear someone’s news when you’re in the middle of your journey, and we can’t share this without acknowledging that. Know that we thought and prayed hard about how to share our news in the kindest way possible. Ultimately, we chose to share because SO many of you have been praying for us since we shared our story months ago, and above all, we wanted to share the answer to those prayers and give 100% of the glory to Jesus!

We promise to never forget our journey. Days before I found out I was pregnant, I wrote out a list of every emotion and aspect of struggling to get pregnant that I NEVER wanted to forget, because I wanted to always be able to empathize with anyone with a similar story. Our prayer is that our story will give you hope for your journey and that our baby is a reminder that with God, literally ANYTHING is possible. We’ve never believed that more!!

Thank you all for celebrating with us and for joining us in praying for this baby! It brings tears to my eyes to think of all of you who have loved on us during our season of waiting. Our little one has NO IDEA how loved he or she is already! Someday, we can’t wait to tell them about how so many incredible people prayed for them for so long.

See you in APRIL, sweet Baby B! We adore you already, and we can’t wait to see who you will be!!!

Love, your Mom & Dad 💛

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Cue the confetti! I've officially received your inquiry, and I couldn't be more excited to start this journey with you.

I'm now a full-time mama and a part-time photographer, but all messages will be responded to as soon as I'm able. Thank you for your patience! My average email response time is currently 3-5 days.

I cannot wait to chat soon!

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Cue the confetti! I've officially received your inquiry, and we couldn't be more excited to start this journey with you.

I'm now a full-time mama and a part-time photographer, but all messages will be responded to as soon as I'm able. Thank you for your patience! My average email response time is currently 3-5 days.

I cannot wait to chat soon!