Want to know my first words when I woke up today? “I have SO many emails.” 🙈 What in the world?! Can you tell it’s wedding season & a Monday? 😂 Ha!!
Today was one of those days where I felt like no matter how many hours I put in or how much we outsource or hire out, there is no way I’ll ever be 100% caught up.
Don’t get me wrong- in a lot of ways, it’s a BLESSING that there’s so much to do. Luke & I can remember the days we literally prayed on our knees for the work that now overwhelms me some days.
But today, I felt like another sweet photographer needed to hear that someone else gets it… someone else gets the mile-long to do list, the feeling of needing to brain dump everything you don’t want to forget to do, how you don’t want to let anyone down, & that there will never be enough hours in the day.
The reality is, no matter how organized you are, how much you outsource or how big your team is, there WILL be days like this from time to time, & we wanted to say that we get it & we see you.
Especially during wedding season, our hearts totally go out to all the incredible photographers who are absolutely KILLING it, hustling hard to make their dream happen. We know how it feels, & we’re cheering for you as you cross that next thing off your list… & then remember another one that needs to get done, too 😉
Some of you are in the early stages of your business, & you don’t know where to start. I remember sitting at my parents’ kitchen table in high school feeling the exact same way- budgeting for the gear I wanted, writing out dreams & to do’s. We see you.
Some of you are working full time & running a business. Bless you, because WOW is that a lot!!! We remember the feelings of balancing college + working with running our business & the sacrifices you have to make, & we see you. This time is not wasted.
Some of you are photographers & parents, trying to balance caring for your little ones with this dream you love so much. We see you too, & we want you to know that the hard work you do in both those vital areas doesn’t go unnoticed.
Some of you have been full time for years now, & you’d never admit to anyone that you still often feel overwhelmed often. You have huge goals & dreams for pushing your business forward, but some days, these big picture projects & visions feel more overwhelming than exciting- & we see you, too. You are so capable, & we believe in you.
No matter where you’re at in your business journey, we all have these days, & that’s TOTALLY okay. Just know that you aren’t alone, & it’s okay if it all doesn’t get done today.
C&L 💛