Alright you newly-married girls… was I the only one who was super excited to design our first Christmas cards for our first married Christmas?! I have no idea why this was such a big deal to me, but I literally could not wait to put together some of our wedding photos and create something pretty to send out to our family this year! Plus, getting to sign it as “The Bachtold Family” was pretty dang fun, but I’m sure that had nothing at all to do with my excitement 😉
I have always loved the tradition of sending and receiving Christmas cards! I remember being a little girl and being so excited to get the mail with my mom because I got to see everyone’s family Christmas cards each year. (Maybe I was a strange child? I don’t know.) And of course, I remember my mom making us take Christmas card photos each year, but that was something I was NOT as excited about… ha!
In any case, we thought we’d share a little peek into our very first Christmas cards with you guys today! I designed them through Shutterfly and am SO happy with the results! I absolutely love how the red text pulls out the tiny bit of red I asked our amazing florist Aly to put in my bouquet and Luke’s boutonniere. Also, I loved the chance to get to put a photo on the back of our cards without any extra cost! That’s the best. It is still so surreal to see our wedding photos and realize that we are close to celebrating six whole months as a married couple this month. This Christmas is going to be the best yet… I can already tell!
Where did you get your Christmas cards this year? We’d love to see them… feel free to chat with us in the comments below!